This article is about my Kinesiology Clinic. I have a life passion for kinesiology and these pages are a great medium to share this passion with you so, take time to view the contents.
I began my interest in alternative lifestyle and medicines reading about ancient cultures when still in my teens. After many years working in commerce, I made the decision to take my interest in alternative medicine, from interest to career. I was introduced to, and fascinated by, muscle testing by a Chiropractor, who had, for many years, been using this wonderful skill for diagnosis, combining it with Chiropractic for treatment. When I discovered that muscle testing was more than a valuable tool used by many natural therapist, but part of the complete science of Kinesiology, I was “hooked” and started studying (and haven’t stopped!).
Nowadays I run a busy clinic in which I see clients from all over Australia. If you require an appointment contact me by phone.
Health Issues and Conditions I Treat:Visiting Valerie's kinesiology clinic, provides the opportunity to find out more about yourself, to take responsibility for what occurs in your life, allowing change and more choice in your life.
Modalities I Use and Services I Provide:A visit to Valerie's kinesiology clinic; A UNIQUE health care experience. Unique? Yes every person is unique. We each have our own way of adapting to stressful situations and dealing with problems. How well we do this will determine our ability to be well and happy. Being well and happy is an expression of who we are and how we feel. Life's problems can happen at any time and we call on our life's resources to help solve these problems.
Thus our emotions, beliefs, fears, behaviour patterns, genetics, and our physical structure all play a part in handling these life issues. If any of theses life support systems can't cope then illness our symptoms of illness may develop. We have an innate ability to heal, however there can be limitations to this healing ability. Suppression of the expression of who we are and how we feel, can be in any of the areas of how we function; emotions, beliefs, fears, behaviours, genetics, physical structure, to name just a few.
"Feelings buried alive, never die….."As a Kinesiologist I am able to access specific references; to find the emotional, mental and physical imbalances a person holds within. These imbalances are often held in the subconscious and can be accessed through a person’s neurology. Understanding this neurology can often indicate the cause of a problem and then the most appropriate solution can be found to bring the body/mind into balance, increasing the quality and expression of the person's own individual spirit.
The Kinesiology I do at my Easternview Recuperation Centre provides the opportunity to find out more about yourself, to take responsibility for what occurs in your life, allowing change and more choice in your life.
Key Benefits of a visit:
As a Kinesiologist, I works with the mind/body systems. Kinesiology is remarkable, allowing me, the practitioner, to work with a wide range of patient issues.
Val Walters
Kinesiology Training