Valerie's Kinesiology Clinic.
A 'Kinesiology Session' is what you will experience in a visit Valerie's clinic. Using the remarkable biofeedback mechanism of muscle monitoring, where the response of the subconscious can be directly monitored through the muscle, a Kinesiology Balance begins. During the Session other muscle tests are done "in relation to" the references or challenges that you have come about, and if your neurology is stressed by that challenge, it is felt kinetically in the muscle response.
Healing can then progress as these "challenges" are resolved.
How we heal
Our holistic Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life.
It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. Learn more?... Visit my Clinic web site
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology taps into the body's unique ability to heal itself, removing road blocks towards true and lasting health and well-being. It takes an holistic approach, dealing with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that prevent us from expressing our true selves.
How does Kinesiology work?
What makes Kinesiology unique?
'Shooting the messenger.' Our symptoms are an indication of our "wellness messenger" but what is the cause of the symptoms?
Who is kinesiology for?
Areas where Kinesiology can help
A kinesiology session. Learn more?...
For all the answers Visit my Clinic Web Site now.
I have been practicing Kinesiology for 16 years.
Several decades ago it was determined by the powers that be that be that the medical profession would look after the health (or sickness) of the physical body and religion would take care of the minds of the people.
This disintegrated approach provided an environment for still further division and thus development of specialist techniques for health and healing, each one looking at different aspects of how we function and how we heal.
We now are seeing the 'turning of the tide' from the disintegrative approach of health and healing to an integrative approach which considers all the aspects of how we function and how we heal.
Educating Alternatives is a leader in this approach of 'integrating' the healing of the Physical, Mental and Emotional aspects of a person while respecting the forms of traditional and other natural therapies.
My Resolve Kinesiology It will help you.
Many people believe that 'Health means to exercise, eat right or see a doctor or therapist. Then comes the problem of knowing what nutrition to take, or which therapist is the right one or even if the therapy is even going to work. Any of these options could help, but does it train YOUR nervous system to learn how to do it again for you in the future?
You have a magic genie that will grant you any wish, and all you have to do is wake him/her up.
I am sure I would jump at such an opportunity. You do have such a genie and we will show you how to wake him/her up. Training your neurology has shown that you have your own built in health system, which is a totally natural alternative health process built on an innate intelligence. We use that intelligence to tell us what you need to be better.
Think about this
Easily and automatically get into new states of mind that speed up recuperation .....
Boost your motivation and self-confidence; develop laser-sharp focus and concentration to overcome those confusions in life .....
Naturally reduce stress, anxiety, tension and worry and develop more peace, calm into your life .....
Remove the mental; emotional and physical resistances that hold you back from success .....
Create new neural pathways in your brain and body, change patterns of perception and information transfer in your nervous system, and thereby create new ways of experiencing yourself and your world .....
Dramatically increase your mental clarity and power to grasp new concepts faster, significantly increase your memory retention and comprehension .....
Train your subconscious mind to unlock the door to your inner potential and become the person you really want to be.
Imagine what it feels like to unlock the hidden genie inside you and boost your neurological abilities to manifest anything you desire in your life AUTOMATICALLY?
Imagine what it would be like if you could take complete control on every aspect of your life...attracting the money that you always wanted...having a sexy and healthy body...enjoying a perfect loving relationship.
Wouldn't it be amazing if I could place in your hands, an innovative piece of new technology that can make all these happen quickly, easily and WITH GREAT BENEFITS? I can and will.
If you answered "Yes!" then you can stop looking for the answer, IT'S HERE.
The kinesiology I do activates a response in your nervous system that can be used as a feedback device to 'tailor make' a strategy that fits exactly your specific needs.
We tend to learn about life by what it does to us rather than
what we can do to make it what we want. Use Neuro-Training to train your nervous system to do what it takes to have what you want. In the process you will also automatically stimulate your own innate health responses.
This approach uses the principles of all types of modalities as a reference for what might be needed for any individual. Neuro-Training is an integration of many existing modalities (and some new ones).
Any models that infer you have to go to someone else to get better, are necessary only as a last resort and are used far too often, far too soon. Increasing your recuperation from the effects of your life experience by training your nervous system is just one effect.
You will increase competence and stamina a well. You will become an expert at adapting in the RIGHT WAY for your better interests.
Imagine perhaps being better in just one day. It can be that easy.
Congruence will become a part of who you are in achieving all you want. My Kinesiology will show you how to Generate the Energy to do everything better. We know enough about how people work now to be able to change the mechanisms of how you do life. Anything can be made possible through Neuro-Training because we use your innate knowledge of yourself to do it.
Interesting isn't it, that we have had this knowledge in one form or another for decades and not realized how to use it till now!
Kinesiology Clinic
Kinesiology Training
A Kinesiologist is able to access specific references; to find the emotional, mental and physical imbalances a person holds within. These imbalances are often held in the subconscious and can be accessed through a person’s neurology. Understanding this neurology can often indicate the cause of a problem and then the most appropriate solution can be found to bring the body/mind into balance, increasing the quality and expression of the person's own individual spirit.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Easternview Recuperation Centre

Many people need some form of recuperation during their life. It is often a low level of recuperation but sometimes a more long term recuperation is required.
Some of the warning signs could be lack of confidence, poor self-image, negativity and failure in our lives on a daily basis; whereas these manifestations you are normally not apparent when all is well with you and you are in good health.
Most of us try to 'cover up' this feeling of self worth by showing forced and 'artificial' behaviour. Watch TV, open the newspaper, listen to the radio, or visit news sites on the Internet and you’ll immediately notice that the amount of human bad luck, human failure and disaster one is exposed to is disheartening.
Avoiding these sources of news and “entertainment” because you can’t stand the amount of negativity that infiltrates your mind can can often boost your energy-state as your "identification with these events lessens.
Recuperation is often required when feelings overwhelm us. The feeling of discomfort, unhappiness, anger, fear, procrastination, frustration, shyness and incapability, all act to deplete our energies. This array of negative thought processes and sensations causes people to look for artificial ways to cover up their lack of confidence by taking on forced or unnatural behaviours. Here are three of the most common ways of covering up a negativity which may show us that a recuperation program may be necessary:
1) Forced and unhealthy communication.
Forced acts of communication are ways we relate with each other in an unnatural and destructive way. Examples of unproductive communication could be uncontrolled anger, screaming or abusive language, or making unfair or unproductive remarks. When we feel uncomfortable in social situations or have a fear that you think it is being controlled by another, we try to gain the upper hand by dominating the other person in some manner.
For example, your spouse might make a remark that you allow to cause you to feel poorly about yourself or to feel you have been attacked in some way. The words of others can also negatively impact on our recuperation path if we allow them to do so.
Most of the time, we react to what someone says, or they bring up something that is disagreeable to us and this criticism which is justified in their eyes maybe not how we see it in ourselves. This reactive feeling is all too often a sign that more recuperation is required. As a result of feeling threatened, you might counter with an aggressive or hostile remark of your own. Before long, you have unintentionally begun a downward spiral in communication that will surely erode your relationship over time.
Lacking recuperation likewise impacts all other areas of life. Additional examples include fear of public speaking, ineffective professional communication, pursuing a carrier that is not in alignment with one’s passions and life-purpose, dating or even marrying people that do not match up well with our most important values because we fear we may not attract our ideal partner, and bringing up children to be fear-based, reactive, or unhealthy in their perceptions of the world and in their relationships with others.
2) Sleeping Excessively in order to Escape from Reality.
Do you know anyone who “sleeps their time away?” For countless people, sleeping is a way to escape their painful feelings of incapability, fear, discomfort, unworthiness, and weakness. These feelings stem from the interpretation that one is somehow unlovable or not good enough and are ultimately and means more recuperation by you may be very useful. These "energy drainers" can cause internal friction that makes us tired and then comes the feeling of can't cope.
They also result in having us want to escape those situations instead of coping with them in an appropriate and effective manner. For many people sleeping is the easiest escape rather than learning to face life’s challenges. Sleeping is a means of recuperation - so upon awakening, all challenges can be coped with more easily with fresh energy. However many people don’t use sleep for the purpose of regenerating energy. They numb their pain with ‘chronic sleeping’ as an escape from reality. As an escape strategy, problems remain unaddressed and unsolved and so tend to become worse with the passing of time.
3) Use of Alcohol, Drugs, and Cigarettes.
As an active observer of people’s coping strategies, notice how often so many look for ways to numb the pain rather than address the source of their challenges. Many find comfort in cigarettes as a stress reliever. The underlying source of mental stress and bodily tension is often diminished is because recuperation is not complete.
So often, people condition themselves to turn to alcohol or drugs after experiencing a stressful event. Rather than deal with the causes of life’s disappointments, relationship challenges, or ineffective communication, it’s often easier to look for ways to forget about the problems by turning to alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Of course, these destructive forms of escaping the uncomfortable feelings that are caused by low confidence, a bad self-image and poor recuperation often result in compounded health and social challenges of their own.
In addition to their harmful physical effects, drugs and alcohol amplify negative feelings and thus result in further destructive behaviour. In this way, they compound the already present challenges and result in a worsening, vicious cycle of greater proportions.
Here are more prime examples of where insufficient recuperation from injury can occur. From whiplash, family breakdown, heart disease, car accident injuries, family loss and gambling addiction etc. Rather than detach from or attempt to escape the challenges brought on by injuries or operations, there is a more effective ways to live a more powerful, happier and more abundant life - simply by allowing more recuperation time.
Easternview recuperation Centre.
So this is where a visit to my Easternview Recuperation Centre can help. After working personally with hundreds in my Kinesiology Clinic in the past 15 years, I have uncovered effective yet simple, easy-to-implement ways and strategies for improving one’s recuperation outcomes and helping reduce these feelings brought on by one’s painful past.
Recuperating from traumas and injuries and accurately assessing one’s current situation and helping yourself by using step-by-step strategies, can help build your future so you can be more proactive in life.
As a Kinesiologist, I works with the mind/body systems. Kinesiology is remarkable, allowing me, the practitioner, to work with a wide range of patient issues.
Val Walters
My Clinic
Kinesiology Training
Friday, May 25, 2012
Val Walters Kinesiology Clinic

The way I use Kinesiology in my Easternview Recuperation Centre is a unique approach to resolving longstanding health issues. My methods rely on changes happening in a person's neurology. This then enables recuperation from illness or accident resulting in improved health.
This is my specialty, discovering through Kinesiology what the contextual conflict is that is maintaining symptoms being experienced.
By assisting a person in the re-training of their nervous system to a more appropriate response within the natural laws of healing, allows the person to not only become functional without the symptoms, but also assists in their long term healing.
Why does it Work?
Your Nervous System has its own focus on what it learns. This learning becomes part of the subconscious response to the needs of life. Consciously you don't pay much attention to the Nervous System, (even when things 'go wrong'). You don't realize your Nervous System is learning and that what it learns will become what you do. In fact, your Nervous System has already learned a lot that you don't consciously know about at all.
What if what it has already learned is in direct opposition to what you want to do consciously? What we do is give the subconscious new and better options to what it already knows so it can change its preferences. When we do this, the Nervous System will act out the new options as if they had always been there and so your behaviours change.
When I say "behaviour", I mean the 'Nervous System control of your behaviour'. Not just what you do out of conscious reasoning. The Nervous System's behaviour include how you think, feel, act in specific circumstances and even how you create life patterns.
How does it work?
The Nervous System is vast in its connections and ability to control all your functions. We have discovered a number of neurological functions which can be broken up into different categories or options that can influence how the Nervous System operates. This gives us a large number of 'types' of Neuro-Training.
Encouraging your Nervous System to function better, generally by using specific checking processes will find the best option for you to function better. This allows us to associate the best options to the existing conditioning and therefore change the limitations within your subconscious into supportive links.
We use a system of monitoring the changes of muscle response as a way of 'listening' to what your subconscious is saying.
The ability to use muscles as a feedback mechanism is a phenomena of the Nervous System which gives us the ability to use its own language to show how your functions change. This feedback tells us what type of new options to associate with your Nervous System which will assist you to better achieve your desired outcome.
How we associate these options may be through a variety of experiences from physical reflex stimulation to cognitive exercises. This makes new realizations in your subconscious by changing how the Nervous System is processing information. Once the 'new information' is associated to the Nervous System your subconscious will do the rest in how it wants to apply it.
We can continue to associate new options until you have enough new information to function in a completely different (and better) way.
You may have already realized there is an enormous amount of conditioning in the Nervous System from the past, but you only need to associate 'new information' to the specific conditioning that is stopping you from achieving what you want consciously.
Who would benefit from my Kinesiology?
Anyone who has difficulty in doing something they want is a perfect candidate for Neuro-Training. We focus on the constant increase in positive results you will accumulate as you continue to use Neuro-Training. We don't want to list all the things that can go wrong in a person's life, it's too depressive, but Neuro-Training can help you overcome just about any challenge you may encounter.
We also want you to know that Neuro-Training, under certain circumstances, has the ability to create some remarkable changes very quickly. So don't think this has to be a long-term process. It uses the latest development in understanding how the Nervous System can be trained into doing what you want it to do.
Benefits of this healing process.
The benefits include completing physical recuperation from a long list of symptoms. It increases competence in any area of life such as, business, talents, health, development, application of learning, clear thinking and much more. The end result is a new congruence and competence with life. Success and more energy become natural consequences from the use of Neuro-Training.
Neuro-Training reconditions your life experiences and because we don't know what life experiences you have had, we don't know what benefits it will bring you. We know you will have benefits through my endeavours as well.
As a Kinesiologist, I works with the mind/body systems. Kinesiology is remarkable, allowing me, the practitioner, to work with a wide range of patient issues.
Val Walters
My Clinic
Kinesiology Training
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